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The Big Payback

Updated: Jul 2

“2024 — The Big Payback”

The time period of 2020-2024 has alarming importance because since 2017, I have been praying about 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. 

  • The sovereignty and mercy of God moved on us to pray about days that we aren’t even living in yet. 

Any time God chooses to reveal anything to you about the future, it is never just to make you smart. If you receive it as simply the input of information, you will miss God’s intention.

  • God reveals the future to you so you can pray. 

  • Revelation of the future should always evolve into a prayer assignment. 

  • Many people fail to walk in the manifestation of a prophecy they’ve received from someone or directly from God because they mismanage it. Prophecies received should be turned into prayer assignments. 

  • Prophesies must be judged and interpreted. 

  • A prophetic word that is not interpreted is one that you could mismanage, misunderstand, or be misled by. 

  • For something to be “interpreted” means it is explained

  • Interpretation opens your understanding so you can prioritize what God is saying—and so that you don’t misappropriate your attention. 

“I will payback relationships, money, and ministries.”


  • Things that were lost due to the passing of time, neglect, harassment from the enemy—no matter the reason for the loss—are being paid back. 

  • Even when it was YOUR FAULT, and your own neglect and mismanagement (your triggers and traumas) destroyed relationships. 

  • Even when weak-minded people chose to give their attention to what the devil was saying and disconnected from you. 

God is—and has been—posturing you for payback.


  • He’s not just going to pay you back; He’s going to help you recover the ground that was lost due to any missteps. 

  • The sense of not wanting to start all over will only last for a little while. You will cover more ground in less time. 

“I’m gathering your people, and those people are gathering their resources. And they are coming to find you in droves.”


  • God will do a hard reset for some.

  • He has been maneuvering, posturing, and rearranging you so you will be perfectly set up for success. 

∙ ∙ ∙

Remember then from what heights you have fallen. Repent (change the inner man to meet God’s will) and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent.

  • Revelation 2:5 (AMPC)

  • In other words, you need to straighten up or He will remove your lampstand (you and/or your ministry).

  • “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” — Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)

  • He’s still in the business of removing lampstands today. 

“If I can remove a candlestick, I can replace one too. If I know how to remove it, I also know how to put it back.”

  • When God puts you back, you are better than you were to begin with. 

  • God knows how to heal you in such a way that even though you may not step back in where you left off, acceleration will hit your feet and you will not miss a beat

  • God will pay you back in your emotions. 

  • God knows how to take the ache out of the pain and restore the ebb and flow and the joy of your assignment again.

  • Nothing will thrill and satisfy you like the plan of God for your life! 

“In 2024 a cycle will restart and will begin again. The people will be given another opportunity to move into supernatural acquisition. It will be a year of uncommon opportunities in media and real estate.”

Media and Real Estate

  • Opportunities will re-present themselves for supernatural acquisition. You will be given the means to acquire things supernaturally: land, vehicles, and buildings. Even commodities and properties in the virtual space. 

  • Sometimes God will give you a supply before you even know what to do with it. And it’ll take a period of praying it out for you to properly discern what it is you’re to do with it. 

  • Some believers are held back in this area of opportunities (particularly in media and real estate) because opportunities have to be taken

  • You can’t be afraid to take steps, do research, fill out paperwork, etc. in order to acquire things supernaturally. 

  • The miraculous of God does not dismiss our involvement—in fact, most of the time, it invites our involvement. 

“Reset priorities now; Realign vision now; Release faith NOW—So you’ll move into what you will have been praying the whole time. it will come because he will come. And he will come with increase and wealth in his hand. 

Another cycle of prosperity to hit the body of Christ.”

  • Prosperity comes to the Body of Christ for the Assignment—not for you to splurge

  • Increase comes to you in cycles. God has a supply of increase that can outrun and outmaneuver the cycle of expenses in my life. 

  • “WINDFALL is coming.” — Pastor Mark Brazee

  • Windfall — A piece of unexpected good fortune, typically one that involves receiving a large amount of money

  • How to participate with the cycle of prosperity coming to the Body of Christ:

  • Look for it.

  • Anticipate it.

  • Align your expectation and decisions to cooperate with it.

  • Call for it.

  • If anyone is going to get a windfall, it’s me! I choose to participate with it, and I trust the Holy Ghost to lead me into it! 

“Many will be persecuted yet again, but its only come because of the glory. And as the glory comes, so will the increase. Because the riches and the glory go hand and hand toward you.”

  • Many will be persecuted because of the increase

  • Nothing cuts off the flow of increase like jealousy. 

  • Jealousy stifles your creativity.

  • Time spent figuring out how someone else got something that you want is time not spent allowing the Spirit of God to infuse you with the creativity of the divine so you can move into your own flow of increase. 

  • The glory of God is the manifested presence of God. 

  • He is omnipresent, but He doesn’t manifest everywhere. 

  • God never shows up sick. When He shows up, healing comes in the room. 

  • God never shows up broke. When He shows up, increase comes in the room.

  • “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:19 NKJV)

  • There are riches found in the glory of God. 

  • When you encounter the divine, the creative aspects, intelligence, and brilliance of Heaven course through your veins, and you leave that encounter a different person. 

  • If you get under the influence of that kind of glory, you’ll think differently. It’ll put you into a flow of creative solutions, witty inventions, and innovative ideas. 

  • That same glory is available to you. 

  • When you spend time in that glory, He begins to rub off on you.


TUESDAY – 01/23/2024

“2024 — A Year of Supernatural Praying”

  • You can decide that you won’t leave this season empty-handed—with things unuttered and assignments undone. 

  • You can decide there will be no missteps, misleadings, delays, or denials. 

  • You can decide that you will move into the very thing God has ordained for you in this season—and that you will do it with speed and accuracy. 

  • You don’t have to let the trauma that you’ve experienced be the end of your story. 

  • The only way your story stops at trauma is if you stop healing. 

  • You can decide that the memory of the trauma won’t rule you. 

  • Get aggressive about it; refuse to be bullied by it. 

  • Refuse to allow trauma to exercise more dominion or influence over you than the Christ you claim to serve. 

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)

  • The difference between a child and a man (someone of maturity) is what—and who—he or she is willing to put away. 

  • In other words, when I was a child, I spoke, understood, thought, prayed, confessed the Word, meditated on the Word as a child. But when I became a man (mature), I put away childish praying, meditation practices, and study habits.

  • Does your praying reflect the maturity level you project? 

Your Prayers Are Not BIG Enough

  • Some of us have been journeying with God too long to be releasing our faith for so little. 

  • Some have made their own comfort too high of a priority. 

  • Some have surrounded themselves with family, friends, and social media influencers who feed their comfort in mediocrity.

Your Prayers Are Not DEEP Enough

  • “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16 KJV)

  • Fervency can be seen, heard, and felt. 

  • Hannah’s prayer was so fervent, that even though she said no words, the priest thought she was drunk (see 1 Samuel 1:9-18).

  • When was the last time you allowed the Spirit of God to manufacture passion and fervency concerning the plan of God for your life?

 Your Prayers Are Not Going Out FAR Enough

  • You must give enough time to praying in other tongues. 

  • Many believers struggle to dethrone their flesh and give expression to their spirit.

  • The way to discipline your flesh is to consistently command your flesh to yield to God. 

  • The praying required to navigate these days is not going to be surface praying. These days will require prayer that comes out of your spirit consistently and fervently—a river of living water that takes you into the next season and brings the next season to you. 

“Gather the ‘pray-ers’ to pray. They need to be taught, their prayers need to be examined, and they need to be sent into the work I’ve called them to in prayer. So gather my praying people to pray and see what my Spirit will say. There are supernatural things that need to be passed to my people. But it will only be passed in the space of prayer. And in that praying there is an exchange with me. Words, images, and impressions on the spirit of man will bring my people individually and collectively into places of revelation light they won’t find anywhere else.” 

  • There is impartation to be received. There are things to see, hear, and be revealed to your heart by a supernatural knowing. But those supernatural transactions only take place in the prayer place. 

“Gifts and supernatural abilities are unveiled in these spaces of prayer. But my people must meet me there—in prayer, in my Presence. And in my presence, they will be changed into the image of my glory. The glory that I’ve always intended for man. And It will launch them into places of functionality in the call and the anointing that they’ve not seen before.”

  • Some know there is a certain functionality that they should be operating in spiritually and naturally—in business, family, marriage, career, etc.

  • You must push out further in prayer so that your prayers will push your life out further in the Call. 

“And the aroma of M1 y presence will fill their homes, churches, businesses, and lives.  And the light will shine in the midst of the darkness.  Men who walk in the dark and seek to spread the influence of evil will not overcome that light. They will not be able to comprehend the workings of that light. But they will behold with wonder the demonstrations of our God through the people of God. The many colors of God’s wisdom emanating from the faces of a people who are yielded to His spirit and walking in his love—moving with His power.”

  • God has something to say to YOU. And He is going to say it in a way that ensures you’ll know it’s Him. He will make His ways and His voice known to you. 

  • Once you know the will of God, choosing to: confer with man, let your lived experience dictate your movements, or let trauma lead you—is rebellion

  • There’s safety, favor, and available power in the will of God, and it’ll outrun and outmaneuver any evil trying to enter your life. But you must decide to abide in His will. 

  • Pursuing the will of God will reveal who you are unequally yoked to. 

  • Some people are not fit for fellowship at all. Others are not fit for a certain type of fellowship. 

WEDNESDAY – 01/24/2024

“2024 — A Year of Supernatural Praying (2)”

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)

Show Up and Grow Up

  • One of the most childish things an adult can do is give an excuse.

  • If you are still skillful in making excuses, you will forfeit your new season. 

  • Don’t let the excuse become a reason to fail. If you do, the devil will see to it that you always have an excuse. 

  • An excuse is an attempt to escape responsibility and accountability. 

  • According to First Corinthians 13:11, there is an expectation that you mature. God expects you to grow in prayer. 

  • If you’d SHOW up, you’d GROW up. 

  • Even if you show up to pray for only 10 minutes, He will work with those 10 minutes to help expand them to 12 minutes. Then 20 minutes, 40 minutes, and so on. 

  • You must give yourself room to grow in grace. 

  • “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications….” (Zachariah 12:10 KJV) 

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

  • The days we are living in will require Heaven’s involvement in our praying. 

  • “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10 KJV)

  • If we are going to have Heaven on earth, we must come into the knowledge of what Heaven knows. 

  • We are seated in heavenly places in Christ (see Ephesians 2:6).

  • We are to pray from that position and call things forth the way God has revealed them to us in that place. 

Exceeding Abundantly Above

  • Supernatural praying is comprised of supernatural asks. God will move on you to ask for things that your mind hasn’t even imagined that you would ever ask. 

  • “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV)

  • It is only above what you can ask or think in the natural. 

  • When you engage your spirit, and your spirit engages God, He imparts to you supernatural things that you wouldn’t ask or think in the natural. 

  • Prayer is a vehicle that moves spiritual realities into natural realities. Prayer moves that which is unseen into the seen. 

Giving Time to Prayer

  • If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always had. 

  • When you are not actively engaging with people, you should be praying. 

  • Get into the practice of praying out any English words and scriptures that come into your heart as you pray. 

  • Things coming to your spirit don’t have to be filtered through your unrenewed mind. 

  • Tell your mind to sit down long enough to allow your spirit to fully express itself with words, sounds, announcements, proclamations, and declarations. 

Faith Is Fervent

  • Pray louder.

  • You can’t let self-consciousness, discomfort, or your personality become an excuse to fail in prayer. 

  • “…According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29 KJV)

  • Faith is fervent—not passive or uninvolved. 

  • The Holy Ghost has given you supernatural utterance designed to shift kingdoms—give Him the honor of your attention and bring your whole self to the conversation. 

  • Speak deliberately and intentionally—enunciate. Faith is an act. 

  • It takes faith to follow the Spirit and choose to believe that what is coming up in your heart is important. 

  • Give yourself wholly to the utterance that’s being engineered on the inside.

THURSDAY – 01/25/2024

“2024 — A Year of Supernatural Praying (3)”

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”

  • Ephesians 6:18 (KJV)

In the Spirit

  • The Spirit of God can come together with you and have you praying the very answer that you need. But these prayers are in the Spirit—not laced in your flesh. 

  • You can pray out names, places, people, and opportunities as you follow and cooperate with the Holy Ghost, and He will take you into places in the Spirit where working with Him, giving attention to Him, and uttering the words and phrases He is giving you will make tremendous power available.

Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).

  • Ephesians 6:18 (AMPC)

  • There are many ways God can lead you to pray. 

  • The different kinds of prayer and prayer cultures and expressions that are available to us are found in the Spirit.

  • God knows exactly what kind of prayer needs to be prayed, when it needs to be prayed, and how it needs to be prayed. 

  • If you’ll follow the Spirit and base your prayers on the Word, He will bring out of your spirit the prayer necessary to make power available. 

  • You won’t move into different flows of prayer until you get in the Spirit

  • There’s a difference between praying and praying in the Spirit

  • Your prayers should be inspired, led, and engineered by the Spirit.

  • Praying in the Spirit is not limited to praying in tongues.

  • When He brings Scriptures to your spirit, they are for you to use as weapons. Speak those out.  

  • Because of the lack of reverence for speaking in tongues, many people don’t venture out as far as is possible; the lack of honor won’t allow it. 

  • You’ll only progress in the anointing that you honor. 

  • He can bring different syllables, sounds, languages, and expressions in prayer that you didn’t even know existed—if you make yourself available to it. 

  • Sometimes it seems like what the Spirit is calling for is more than words can offer. 

  • You come to the end of yourself, yet the urgency to pray has not lifted. 

  • It manifests as groanings that cannot be uttered in articulate speech (see Romans 8:26). 

  • These manifestations don’t come to you on the shore; they come to you out on the water—in the Spirit. You must make yourself available. 

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