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Prophetic Words for 2019-2020

Prophetic Words Concerning 2019:

June 17, 2018

“... As revelation earmarked this season (2018), so will transformation earmark the next one (2019). It will be a year of great transformation where men will change and evolve in a moment. In a blink they will be in new places and new graces. And many will say “Oh my they have changed so much.” But they won’t realize that what they have seen as a change is just the arrival and evolution of their true selves as what I’ve called them to be the whole time. Teaching and training will cause one to grow and develop in different ways in different phases. But once you are mature, you will put away childish things and you come into your original design for my plan.

"I’m going to talk with you in detail about the teaching mantle on your life. Teaching that will construct the right building in this region. Teaching that will dismantle the ideas the spirit of the age has propagated. There is a road, a path that leads to the life of my pasture. This road is the utterance of the Spirit. It is the utterance that will help one know what to believe and what to say. It is that road that will lead to the blessings of God for one’s life. By that utterance, the teaching will bring wisdom and understanding, they will go in and out and find a supply that will satisfy their desires. It’s called a PASTURE!

"2020 is a year of the butterfly. You will be launched into a new orbit. In view of those you knew and who knew you. So now you have time to prepare so you’ll right while you’re in the light. A handful of relationships will re-present themselves in this season. Know it is my time and my will, says the Lord. Know it is my time and my will says the Lord. Embrace them and bring them close but be wise as a serpent . For I wlll cut them off that have meant you no good and still choose to dishonor the ME in you. It’s a chance for them to get it right."

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