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Ministry Focus


One of the last instructions that Jesus gave the disciples was to teach all nations (Matthew 28:19).  Teaching was instrumental in the ministry of Jesus and it should an integral part of the ministry of the body of Christ.  When teaching is coupled with the demonstration of the Spirit It will assist the believer in renewing their mind towards the will of God. 


When teaching is coupled with training, it provides an avenue of safe learning where believers can learn how to act on the word and follow the Spirit.  The pattern for training centers can be seen from the school of the prophets in the Old Testament to the school of Tyrannus where Paul taught his disciples.  


Before people can believe in Jesus, someone must preach the gospel to them.  But in order for the preacher to to preach, he must be sent.  Traditionally, we have thought that sending primarily included offering financial support.  While that is true, there is more to sending a preacher than offering their ministry a check.  A proper sending includes Spirit led prayer and financial support.  Spirit-led prayer offers a supply of the Spirit that launches ministries into new territories and delivers what is needed for ministry assignments. 

My Approach

"In 2004, the Lord used some key words to outline the focus and approach for our ministry.  The first series of words were: REVELATION, HEALING and NATIONS.  Revelation refers to the impartation of truth from the word of God and the Holy Spirit.  When the word and the Spirit are working in our lives, they lift us up into the presence of God and we can see His plan for our lives. Healing is the manifested presence of God at work in your physical body.  Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and lay hands on the sick (and of course they would recover).  The last word that he spoke in this series was nations.  Our ministry has always had a strong thrust for world missions.  Whether it's planting bible schools in Europe or conducting healing crusades in the Caribbean, God has purposed that the influence of this ministry be global. 


Three years later, the Lord unveiled a strategy to us to take revelation and healing to the nations: schools, churches, conferences, campaigns and media.  Everything that we do generally fits within one of these categories.  We call this the Apostolos plan.  Apostlolos is the Greek word used for apostle in the New Testament.  These outline the apostolic work that my wife and I have been set in the body of Christ to do.  







My Approach

© 2018 Marcus Tankard  - Teaching - Training - Sending

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